Siamese Algae Eaters not eating hariy algae so far. Help!!!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 16, 2003
Berkeley, CA
Okay, I've had 3 SAEs in the tank for over a week now and they don't seem remotely interested in eating the hairy algae that's all over the leaves of my plants. Yes, I've confirmed, through the various instructional websites, that these are real SAEs and not some other variant (purchased at Albany Aquarium in Albany, CA).

Is the algae too long? Do I have to trim the stuff back before they'll go for it? Should I give up on them and try to find some algae eating shrimp? Will they start eating down the road, when they're bigger or more at home?

I'd love to hear from anyone with personal experience with SAEs or from anyone who has found another cure for hairy algae. My nitrates are between 10 and 20 ppm and they don't seem movable, I'm only using 9 hours of light, and I've stopped using plant fertilizer.

Hit me with the knowledge.
I think Roger is talking about the CAE and NOT the SAE. Yes, chinese Algae Eaters don't eat much algae at all, get large, and get very mean as well...

Not really sure why your SAE's aren't eating that algae. Are you feeding them? If so, this could be your problem. I would go ahead and trim back as much of that hair algae as you can. I did this in my 40 gallon tall and they were able to get rid of the rest for me.
Thanks Biggen. Maybe if I get in there with some scissors and get the situation under control once, they can do the rest. I'll try that this weekend.

As to feeding them, not sure how to avoid it. They seem willing to eat the food I need to put in there for everyone else. Not always, but I definitely catch them stealing a bite from time to time.
I bought my SAE from the same store. It didn't start eating much until 1-2 wks after i put it in. I also have a couple amano shrimps and an oto. I had to clean as much of the globs of algae off as possible. they won't eat it when it's full grown like that.

To get rid of the algae, you wanna make sure you don't stir up the gravel, as it will release phosphate into the water where the algae can access it. also, try adding fertilizers so that the limiting factor is the phosphate. And don't over feed your fish. In the meantime, pick out the globs of algae that you find and let the algae eaters take care of the bits of algae. It also helps to have some sort of plant that isn't rooted in the gravel. These plants will draw all their nutrients from the water column and leave less for the algae. That seemed to work for me. Hope it works for you too. :wink:
Thanks Doraemon! That's great info and gives me some hope.

Don't you love Albany Aquarium, by the way. Fennay (sp?) is total kick.
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