Sick Black Molly? Or is he hurt?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 17, 2008
Chicago, IL
Hi all....I just got home from dinner to find one of my black Molly's on the bottom of our tank looking like the end of its tail was cut off. He's staying near the bottom of the tank, looking like half the fish he used to be. But he's not moving the back of body either. Is it possible one of our other fish nipped him? Or is he sick?

We have black molly's, neon tetra's and 1 high-fin pleco.

Anybody have any advice?!
Well when I was first reading it reminded me of a lot of experiences I had with my fish doing that to some of my other fish and saw them on the bottom, (then ended up dieing the next day or two.) But after I read about the fish you have in the aquarium i'm confused because none of those fish should really do that. Neons are known for being fin nippers but just nipping not like getting some fish meat as well. So I don't know what to really tell you. There isn't really much you can do unless you had medicine on hand.
Yeah that's why I'm so confused about this too..because these aren't predatory fish... of our black molly's there are 10, (6 that are about 3 months old, and 4 that are full grown). Of the full growns, there is only 1 female, and she's huge, and keeps having boyfriend thinks that the mom is the one who's kinda "acting back" after getting permanently chased by the males. Either way we are going to give the female back to the store so we can stop having babies (and I know you're supposed to have more than 1 female for 1 male, we have an awful ratio)
I have 2 black mollies and neither has had that happen to them. Is his tail shredded or completly gone? Is there a size difference between him and your other fish? Do you have any thing in your tank that could have fell on him or anything? its possible that the pleco might have done it (not sure about a high-fin but i have seen a normal pleco eat a fish before { the fish that i saw that got ate was a rosy red minnow about 1" long it got eatin by a pleco that was about 6"}) [and yes i know plecos are herbivores just sayin what i saw].
What kind of medicine would help him??

You would want to add some water conditioner to help replaces any of the slime coat he lost from the "attack". Then some fungus or baterial medicine will say something like open wounds or sores, you'll want to get some of that and add it in. Also try to feed him some fresh green veggies (Lettus, cucumber ect.) To give him nutrional vaule.

But like I said, by the time you get this most of this stuff he might already have died. Sorry to say but this stuff happens, but next time this will happen you will be prepared though. Good luck and keep me intouch with your molly :)
Are the mouths on your full grown mollies big enough to fit the tail of your injured mollie in? if so the tail gone missin could have been eaten by one of your mollies. specially if it was a small male going after a full grown female. he is so persistant that he will mate with her till she dies from it. but when she's had enough she's had it and she lets him know it. Oh and you did seperate him from the rest of the fish right?
The first thing we need to know is what are your water parameters? It sounds like fin rot which can be brought on by less than perfect water parameters. Do a water change and add some fresh dechlorinator. Add some melafix and pima fix and make sure there is a bubbler in the tank and lots of places for the fish to hide and feel safe so it can heal.
is it fish rot if he looks like most of his tail is physically gone? i mean it's not like it is clenched looks like it was cut in half
i had a platy that was always nipped at by my black tetras and all i did was give it some medicine that stops infection every time it was nipped att and it is still alive in my tank today.
Fin rot does occur over time, sometimes it isn't as noticeable as we think it would be until it is really noticeable. It may be an injury. Any plants or ornaments the fish could have gotten caught in?
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