Sick Black moor and Mickey Mouse Platy

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 9, 2003
My black moor has been doing fine for weeks. All of a sudden he/she has gottan a grayish-white haze around her eyes and on her sides. It does not look like white pepper that has been sprinkled on him. On one side it looks kinda like a white sore of some type.

What could it be and what do I need to do? The other fish are fine. The platys tail looks like it has been eaten on and he has a whitish haze appearance also.

Please email me back with advice or sugges :cry: tions at
Whats your water parameters (ammonia/nitrites)? Has there been any changes recently in the tank? Have you water changed/gravel vacced since the onset?

What does the haze look like? You say not like white pepper. Does it look like grains of salt? Or more like someone dusted the fish? Is it more like a sheet of goo? Does the sore look sorta like cauliflower at all? Any behavior changes? Itching/flashing on tank items? Eatng? Could I possibly ask more questions? LOL

Actually yeah I could. The more info you give, the easier it is to figure out whats going on (not that its always easy).
this morning the white round sore on the fishs' side is worse. he did not eat last night. the sore does not poke out like a head of cauliflower but looks like a white cigarette burn if that makes any sense. the white around the eyes looks more like a film.

It sounds like an ulcer, which would indicate a probable bacterial infection. The eye hazing is usually indicative of poor water quality.

I would suggest moving the 2 sick fish into a QT tank and treating with broad spectrum antibiotics. maybe Maracyn I & II or Kanacyn. It may or may not help; hard to say without more information, such as the answers to the aforementioned questions. Ammonia and nitrite levels are especially important.
I also am having problem with my black moor. She looks like she has cataract on one eye and that eye is almost 3 times as large as the other. I have tried water changes using distilled water, Maracyn I AND II, Tetracycline and Melafix. I bought a water testing kit and all seems normal. Nothing seems to be helping her, but she doesnt seem to be getting worse. She expelled (?) eggs about 2 weeks ago and has a healthy appetitie, but I'm so worried about her eye exploding. Can someone PLEASE help me???? 8O
I pulled this from

Exophthalmia (a.k.a. Pop-Eye)


Fish with exophthalmia will have eyes that are abnormally enlarged and protrude from their sockets. In severe cases the eyes may actually burst from the socket, leaving the fish eyeless. Eye swelling is caused by a build up of fluids in or behind the eye.


There can be any number of causes for this condition. Possible causes include poor water quality, bacterial infections, viral infections, eye flukes or other parasitic infestations, or piscine tuberculosis. Even though the fish may recover, the protruding eye may remain that way. This should not adversely affect that fish.


Since there are so many possible causes a broad-spectrum antibiotic is recommended, such as Tetracycline, but this treatment cannot obviously guarantee success. Be sure to keep water quality in good condition.

Sounds to me like your lil gal is possible going to stay that way; you've obviously treated for a number of infections, and you say she is doing ok otherwise, eating n all. I would keep a very close eye on her in case its due to parasites (looking for scratching on stuff or flashing, or physical signs of things on her).
OK...back to the first moor with the fungus/sore on it and whitish liking skin around the eyes (NOT the actual eyes. they look normal) its all on the skin. i bought some e.m. tabs (erythromycin) and I will try that. it says 1 dose then 24 hrs later another then 24 hrs later 25% wc...then 2 more doses for a total of 4. i dont have another tank to use for a sick tank. just hope the e.m. tabs help. i started to get the maracyn cause it looked like it would be better but the expiration date was back in march. so the other option was the e.m. tabs. Anyone used this before???? :roll:
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