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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 3, 2006
Ok, so 3 days ago i noticed what appeared to be a small amount of white build-up around the gills of my discus. i've done two partial water changes but the problem appears to slowly be getting worse. he hasn't been eating well the last few days and is very skittish when i try to get close to the glass and look at him so its tough to investigate much but basically it looks like there is some sort of white goo/ slime in the gills. he is a malboro red discus and probably about 8-10 months old. i don't have a camera to provide any pictures but would appreciate any help and suggestions.

The tank is a 55 gallon, with 10 live plants (swords, etc), a pleco, 2 rainbow fish, and a bunch of various schools of tetras. the temp is kept at 82 farenheight, pH is 6.6, food consists of alternating between flake food and frozen bloodworms. the water is kept soft and i've never had a problem with clorine or nitrates or anything. all of the other fish appear perfectly healthy. my primary filter is a penguin 350 bio wheel although i also have a whisper 3 running with peat granules in the cartridge. (if i need to use any recommended medications, do i need to remove the bio-wheels from the filter to prevent the bacteria from being killed?)
treat for gill flukes.
Q Does the fish seem to have a thick slime coat all over it?
Q Appart from the skittish behavior is it swimming out of character, sidways, constantly looking up or downwards?
Q Are it's fins closed
Q Is it loosing its colour?
Q Is it breathing faster that normal, like panting?

Sorry i diddnt see this sooner! Is it still alive? And what have you done since.?
I had something similar with my discus, unfortunately I was unsuccessful in saving the discus. First thing is to QT if at all possible. I will contact another member I know that has much experience in discus for you.
Discus seem to suffer more gill ailments then any other aquarium fish. The problem is made worse because the culprit can be either parasitic, bacterial, or fungal. I suspect the parasitic (especially when mixing discus with other species), because other fish can be hosts to a variety of gill flukes and not suffer to the extent a discus will. An accurate diagnosis can't be made without sacrificing the fish, and the use of a microscope.

When dealing with parasitic infections the entire tank must be treated and then repeated. The medications will kill adult flukes but not their eggs which will hatch and reinfect the tank later. Look for any medication containing Potassium permanganate and follow the instructions for use. I've found this to be the best way to handle gill flukes in discus.

One more thing.....82F is a bit cool for discus. Discus are more prone to stress in cooler water. Ideally the temp should be 84-85.

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