Sick EBJD - possibly bloat?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 10, 2012
Lawrenceville, Ga
One of my electric blue jack dempseys was flashing. Did a 50% wc and it stopped. Now he's "resting" on the bottom but he is still upright. He appears to have white stringy feces. I just fed and he slowly swam and picked up a few pellets from the bottom but he immediately spit them back out. He is usually a ravenous eater. Please help!
I'm not sure if he has bloat but white poo can be a sign of stress or an internal parasite. What are your water parameters?
Nitrites: 0
nitrates: 20
temp: 78
Ph: 7.0

Ebjd a starting the flashing last weekend - has white poop since my first post
ebjd b noticed the white poop today

Now two out of my 3 ebjd's have white stringy feces. I did another wc today and bought some API General Cure since it has metro. I doesn't the tank and mixed it with some frozen brine shrimp. The one that has been sick longer, A, only bites the food, then spits it back out. The other one with the white poop is still eating and he ate some nls Thera a and some brine shrimp. Ebjd A, stomach does look distended and he has been flipping around but not rubbing on decor, just flashing in the water. I also added some salt to the aquarium.
Purchased api general cure since it contains metronidazole. Does tank Monday, did a 50%+ wc yesterday, dosed tank today. As of today I have seen all three ebjd's flash since this started. Any more suggestions? I need help!
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