Sick fish pls help

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Well, before you put it out of it's misery as you say, how far along is this illness? It usually doesn't become to bad to euthanize over night. It's most likely fin rot or a fungus. Do you have any pictures? What are your water params and what other fish are in the tank and how big is the tank.

I would get an anti-fungal medication ASAP.
15 Gal cold water tank. It's just the two goldfish in there. Water temperature roughly 18 degrees C. (64F). We've no water testing kits so i can't tell you the exact perameters at this time, but as far as im aware all toxin levels are normal. (It's my landlords fish. He's had it about 4 years so im guessing it's pretty well kept). It hasn't been overfed either. But it's covered with sores and is missing a lot of scales. It's quite bloody and looks very ragged, (Large lumps of tissue are falling off, especially around the head), and its got swim bladder. We're treating it with a swim bladder treatment and 'Myxazin'. It's supposed to treat fin rot, ulcers, sores and various other bacterial infections. Unfortunately my camera aint workin at the moment but it looks like a dead fish thats been decaying in the water for days, only he's alive and swimming round the tank...
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