Sick Goldfish Help

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 15, 2014
Perth, WA
Hi there,

My brothers goldfish recently started showing signs of an unknown sickness. The pet shop tested his water and his ammonia, nitrate and nitrite levels are all perfect, he does his 40% water change once a week and keeps the tank clean.

These 3 goldfish had been fine for months until today one of them died and the other 2 still look really sick. They have always been really lively, healthy looking fish.

Their tails look shredded and they have like a white film on them.

I will post some photos, and any input on what I could be would be greatly appreciated! He's only 12 and attached to the fish.

They live with a couple of 2 cm Bristlenose Catfish, and I'm wondering if it could be those that are causing it. But since they have been fine til now I'm not sure.
They've been treated with API MELAFIX which doesn't seem to be doing anything at all.

Thanks in advance for any help!


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Dear Ben

Could you please tell us the tank size and water parameters from the lfs - and what type of test kit did they use (the strips are v inaccurate).

Secondly, I think goldfish can only be in a tank with other goldfish - the catfish may be a problem but I'm no expert.

Are you able to move your goldfish to their own tank ASAP?

Could you try and do at least 50% water changes everyday to see if that helps, too?

I have read that Melafix is not effective, which I think you are finding.

Hopefully an expert will answer your post soon. I hope my suggestions may help in the meantime.

Please keep us posted as to how the fish are going.

Roz :)

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Hi Roz,

Thanks for your reply! I think it's a 12 gallon tank. Not 100% but it wouldn't be much more.

I've just tested the parameters myself and it's looking good! I'm using an API test kit.

Ammonia is: 0.10 ppm
Nitrite is: 0.15 ppm
Nitrate is: 30 ppm
pH is: 7.4

The Bristlenose have been fine from the start, and the fish look like they have an illness..

We'll have to wait and see how they end up I think..


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Hi there,

My brothers goldfish recently started showing signs of an unknown sickness. The pet shop tested his water and his ammonia, nitrate and nitrite levels are all perfect, he does his 40% water change once a week and keeps the tank clean.

These 3 goldfish had been fine for months until today one of them died and the other 2 still look really sick. They have always been really lively, healthy looking fish.

Their tails look shredded and they have like a white film on them.

I will post some photos, and any input on what I could be would be greatly appreciated! He's only 12 and attached to the fish.

They live with a couple of 2 cm Bristlenose Catfish, and I'm wondering if it could be those that are causing it. But since they have been fine til now I'm not sure.
They've been treated with API MELAFIX which doesn't seem to be doing anything at all.

Thanks in advance for any help!


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Fin rot or columnarus?
Dear Ben

Your Nitrite reading is a little odd, otherwise all v good.

Not sure what to suggest other than large daily water changes.

The fish also look quite thin - I'm wondering whether the other species are taking all the food.

Could you please share what they get fed and how often?

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i would guess worms or another parasite like flukes. Try praprizole and or coppersafe or machilate green.
Out of interest I was going to ask if the tank is heated as Perth has been going through some cold snaps and I'm wondering if tank temp has been fluctuating?

My neighbour had trouble with a bn catfish attacking fish he thought but it was a good 4 inches and in too small a tank. I've never had trouble with mine that I've noticed.
First problem right off the bat I see is the tank is way too small. A single FANCY goldfish needs 20 gallons at the very very least. Common goldfish, such as yours, are much larger and messier than fancy goldfish, and while young need at least 30 gallons per fish. Eventually, your goldies will need a 75 gallon tank at the least.

I would get an antibiotic such as API Quick Cure, and maybe a sulfa med as well, but don't use them together as I am not sure that is safe. Based on what you are saying, and what I am seeing, I would guess they have internal parasites, fin rot, and possibly some other fungal or bacteria infection.

They do look a bit thin, which would be caused by the internal parasites. Goldfish in general eat a lot, anyways.

What is the temp of the tank?

For now, I would do daily 50% water changes - clean water at the very least is most important right now, until you can medicate.
The tank isn't heated, but our house is 90% of the time.

As for the size of them, they've been fine up until now and when they get bigger, they'll move to the pond.

I've started treating for cotton mouth with some stuff from the pet shop, and the last goldfish seems to be getting better! So that's a good sign

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