Sick Platy

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 27, 2012
Hello everyone. I am new here and need some help! After my water change yesterday I noticed one of my female mm platy acting strange, she went and hid under one of the decorations and when I fed them she didn't come up to eat. There was nothing wrong with her until the water change. I woke up this morning to find she didn't make it. No signs of illness, she has always been very active and friendly. I know my female to male ratio is off, I was slowly fixing that. I started off with 2 males and 3 females, then a week later I thought I got another female and it ended up being a male, a week later I added 2 more females. I did have a bully in the tank, he bullied everyone even the males, but once I added the two new females that I made sure were females and larger than the bully he stopped, everyone was getting along fine and peaceful for the past week. The tank is cycled my numbers are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and 10 nitrate this is being tested with the jungle strips though, plus I have one of those seachem sticky ones that constantly reads 0 0.2 ammonia in my tank, ph has been at a steady 8.0 on the strips and the seachem tank one. When I do the water changes I always let the water sit for at least 2 days and I treat the water with api water conditioner. I do water changes every 4 days about 20%..
So after my husband removed the dead fish I turned the light on and fed them and I always do a fish count when I feed them and noticed one of the most recent female additions hiding under the same rock the other one was and not coming up to eat :( I have no idea what is going on with my tank! I love my fish and don't want to loose anymore! I am planning on a 75 gallon tank once my downstairs is finished, within a month or 2, and I am going to set up a 10 gallon nursery tank in the next week since all that I have read on these fish I should be expecting an explosion of babies soon..though none of the females look pregnant at all! I just hope my son does not notice the missing fish:(
Any ideas on what could be going on? Or how to help the fish that is now hiding? No clamped fins just hiding and not eating, the same as the other one, but the other one died so quick after he started hiding I am afraid this one will be gone by noon:(
Any help will be appreciated. The platy is still not looking good. She is hiding under the magnet I don't know what to do for her:/ there are no signs of illness or stress in any of the other fish just her.
So she finally came out from hiding


I hope this means she is feeling better. I am picking up a 10 gallon to start up today and move 2 of the males in there to see if they are causing the issues. I watch them constantly and other than the bully I noticed which he has stopped I see no excessive chasing but who knows what is going on while I am sleeping:/ i am afraid to pick up any more females until I know what is going on with my fish. I want to add 2 more females to replace the one that died and to make sure I have enough females for the males.
Well here I am talking to myself again. Lol. But anyways as I was checking on my fish that does not seem well I noticed one of my females seems to have gotten rather plumper since yesterday! I have been checking all these fish daily for any signs of pregnancy and nothing. Is it normal for her to look fine one day and in less than 24 hrs look preggo? Well here is a pic of her



Does she look pregnant or am I just staring at my fish too long today:O
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