Sick Tiger Oscar

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 13, 2002
Woodbridge, Virginia, USA
I believe a tiger oscar I care for is sick. To complicate matters, I left the heater unplugged after a water change on the 27th of March. The tank temp was at 66F. I changed all the water in the tank to remove remains of medicine (Clout) and any free floating infections. The temp is now at 70F. I hoped the Clout medicine would treat what the tiger oscar and a cichlid in the tank had. The cichlid died over the weekend.

The tiger oscar is rolling completely over from time to time and has its fins clamped. I don't think the tiger oscar has eaten since Friday night and it has no appetite.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to anything else I can do to save this fish? Or is it already too late?

Should I increase the temp to 75 as quick as possible? Or higher? Or just plan to increase by about 2 degrees Farenhieght per day?

Any help will be appreciated.
I have the temp for this tiger oscar up to 78F now. He still has not eaten anything. He doesn't keep his fins clamped any more. However, his upper and lower back fins are falling off and also his scales (or skin) toward his back is coming off. He seldom rolls over now and is swimming around mostly normal.

Has anyone seen any thing like this before?

Also someone told me that crushing some garlic and putting it in the tank could help, however he only did this with salt water tanks. Is this helpful at all for fresh water tanks? I haven't done this yet as I am unsure if it will help or hurt the tiger oscar.
Sick fish isn't my specialty by any means, but this sounds like a severe stress reaction. I'd bring the temp up to whatever he is used to if it's not there already and watch VERY closely for any sign of bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infection. His immune system will be compromised right now and he will be very susceptible to any type of infection. JMHO. Although I doubt the garlic would hurt anything, I don't know that for sure. Are the fins red where they're coming off? Any sign of something that looks like cotton on the edges?
Logan J
i was told to get some of that freshwater aquarium salt any time there was a possible infection. so whenever my oscars get a cut or scratch i add some salt and some stress coat and up the temp. but i don't know if that is the right thing to do. i've had luck with it so far.
The salt thing is good, most people do use it, it will keep most infections safe. I think it is a TBSP per gallon, need some help on this one though.
Well, that should help, as long as it shows you what you want your salinity to be. You dont want a salt tank, just salt in your tank.
I work with Robertmarda, the oscar is recovering nicely. fins and skin growing back quite well.
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