six line wrasse pregnant

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 13, 2012
So.... I bought a six line about a week ago and now her belly us huuge. Anyone have any info on this? Any advice to save the eggs? Feeding once they hatch? I've never bred any saltwater fish before, only freshwater and can't find much information anywhere else online.
moo33284 said:
So.... I bought a six line about a week ago and now her belly us huuge. Anyone have any info on this? Any advice to save the eggs? Feeding once they hatch? I've never bred any saltwater fish before, only freshwater and can't find much information anywhere else online.

There is very few sw species that are successfully being raised in captivity. IMO I wouldn't even attempt to care for eggs or larvae. You might want to start with bangii cardinals or clowns.
Shan is right. Marine fish are very hard to breed. The fry are planctonic and difficult to breed.
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