small algae eater?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 18, 2004
Southern California
does anyone know of a small algae eater i might be able to add to my 10 gal? i know common plecos start off really small, but they grow to be huge. same with other algae eaters...i need help finding one that will stay small.
And they do a great job cleaning up the algae. They are also pretty cute. They do best with a few of them together.
Depends on the LFS, some may be real cheap, some may be hellaciously overpriced. give that a look, so you can atleast get one price to look at before you go to your LFSs.
Heh, I'm just waiting for one of the Brits to look at my post and break down in hysterics...I think $3.99 American is about 10 pence UK *grin*
10p as much as that, What a great little Island i live on. Hahahahahahahah I think when allivymar came over here she spent so much our inflation rate changed.
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