Sniperhank's UPGRADED 55 gal Build

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Not much into hockey anymore but I'm actually from California though so not to big of a fan of the sports teams around here especially the steelers haha
Updated pics from the tank before all blues went on.






All of them had an alternative point to me taking them. Measuring growth of the 2 nems and monti, how the remaining "meat" on my purple nana is doing, a picture of the macro algae I can't identify behind my marshal island latana, and the bottlebrush for kp's id. Neat thing about the sps, I haven't really noticed any growth...but I knew it was happening. I spent lots of time looking at each one and monitoring how it has been going. The latana is one I couldn't quite place how it was growing. It is doing a majority of its growth at the bottom, and you can see how it has attached itself to a rock beside it.
Have any of the started to encrust the rock? I'm 8 months into my tank and all the sps are encrusting, most of them aren't branching though.
The latana is. Most of the other SPS are branching away. I'm only not sure about my Stylophora. I'm sure it is growing like the rest, just not sure how lol.
Nice I got one of those it's redish purple center and green edges. He's pretty cool he's moved halfway around my tank looking for his spot.
needmorecowbell said:
Very pretty, it's convinced me to think about buying one.. Do they eat anything special?

The nem or the crab? Your Hawk would dominate the crab....
The crab is the size of the fingernail on my pinky finger, one of the fish farts too hard it'll dominate the crab! Oh, update. Skimmer is really working now. Increased water restriction, restricted more air from silencer, cleaned skimmer. Was really spitting water all over, so I added my new favorite thing...panty hose. Problem solved.
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