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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 8, 2005
New York
10 gallons, FW
15 watts plus sunlight
1 amazon sword
1 dwarf pygmy sword
1 melon sword

what can i expect next?

oh...4 bloodfin tetras and 1 red honey gourami
1.5 wpg should probably be enough for you to grow swords in that tank but I can tell you that the Amazon sword will soon get too big for a 10G (and possibly the Melon sword but I'm not too familiar with them). If the plants show signs of problems (usually the leaves will show signs first) you may have to add some more light but I'm guessing 15 watts may do the trick. Keep us updated :)
Be on the lookout for algae issues with direct sunlight - that's the main thing I see coming down the pike. I completely agree that a 10gal is going to be too short for an Amazon sword.
Thanks for the heads-up about the Amazon. I'll keep on an eye on its growth. I'm concerned about my nitrate levels. Currently, it's at 0 ppm. Ammonia is 0, as is Nitrite. Doesn't seem possible with five fish in the tank - even if they are small.

I'll keep an eye on algae, too. I plan at getting an Otto in a couple of weeks once the plants are settled in. It's more ambient sun, rather than direct light.

Thanks again for your help.
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