Some problems - please help!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 4, 2004
Scotland, UK
Okay some real problems... not sure if you's remember my guppy problem, well I think it was a bad batch as most seem to have died for no reason... all water parameters are perfect and everyone else is fine. Ammonia 0, NitrITE 0, Nitrate 10, pH 6.6 etc etc.

However, my female black molly suffered a bad bout of white spot and couldn't take it and also died. My neon tetras are the main problem, there is one of two that are fin nippers and cause others to go into shock of sorts... but we CAN'T catch the correct ones. We have 12 and it's a nightmare.... how do we catch them!? :(

Also, my male Siamese Fighter who has had white spot on his fins for a while now went down hill and then was fine, and now his fins are almost ceasing up, congealing together into a sort of hard one it looks like - not smooth and free flowing. I noticed a thicker white blob - is this the white spot progressing? Until they fall off we can't do much meds wise (apart from raise temp a def or two which we have etc) but I don't want him to die.

What are your thoughts?
ohhh gmac,

I'm sorry to hear your still having problems.

It's easier to catch fish when you do a water change, when your water level is lower. I will take 2 nets and chase them with one while scooping with the either.

As for your betta, are you sure it's Ich? Is this white stuff just on his fins and not on the rest of his body? IMO, betta's are very prone to fin rot and other fungal infections.

Is this white spot look more like cotton or salt grains?
I will try catching them with two nets then thanks.

The white spots were like little grains of salts and were only really noticeable on his flowing fins... but they look like they've collected in places to make one large blob of white and thats where the fins are sticking together I think. Should we get some general fish medicine from the LFS tomorrow and put it in? Like BettaFix or whatever Betta one we can find? He is still eating healthily by the way, as are all the fish!

Also, we are not sure if a plant is dying or not, if in doubt should we remove it? It's the largest one in the centre of the tank... would a slightly dying one cause problems for the fish?
It's wierd that your neons are being aggressive. It seems like they need to be put in check!!! I would say add an angel to the mix, but that might just be too much!
If you still have the white spots, you definitley have Ich. I would read up on it in the FW articles section of the site here. To treat it, your betta fix won't do a thing. Ich is caused from stress, when your fish loses it slime coating and the Ich parasites move in and attach to the body. I would raise the temp a bit, about a degree or so an hour, very slowly. Temp changes stress fishies too, so be careful.

Add a bit of aquarium salt to your water. If the salt and heat does not work, you may need to add in some parasite meds. After you read over the article, you'll get a better understanding of how to treat ich.

The white 'blob' sounds like a fungus. Bettas are very succeptible to disease. The betta-fix should do the trick. You also might want to add some stress coat as well. Make sure you take your carbon out of your filter as well, as the carbon(especially if it's new) will suck up your meds right quick.

As for the might have to net them and put them in a bowl. Then, individually fish out the good ones, and leave the two bad ones. It does seem odd that the neons are being little hellions....

Good luck!
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