Some questions

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 28, 2006
Hello there... I am new at rearing a tropical freshwater fish. I have set up the tank and everything has been decorate and operated.

I have about 30 fishes in a 2 feet tank. Most of the fishes is Neon Tetra. Sry i dunno the names of the fishes, but only know some.

I do not have any problems with the other fishes, but my Neon Tetra. About 3 of them were alon at the side, top, bottom of the tank. They were like, "resting". The rest of the fishes is active, moving around here and there.

Since im a beginner, i need your help on what i should do? and also what happened to my Neon Tetra.

30 fishes? in a 2 feet tank??? that seems like a lot of fish in a 2 feet tank, unless its a tall tank....but still a lot of fish, did you check your water parameters? also, could be some sick tetras.
Check the water parameters, first guess is that the tank isn't cycled and the neons are starting to get ammonia poisoning (basically thier gills are burning making it hard to breath).

If you haven't cycled the tank I'd suggest taking the fish back until you have. If that's not an option, Bio-spira is your best bet. Otherwise expect the neons to start dying off quickly.

Also a large water change immediatly probably wouldn't hurt, and 20% water changes daily until the tank is cycled.
it looks like everything when back to normal again... i will post again if there is any problem... well, thc for the advice...
I agree that your tank is probably not cycled. You need to test for ammonia. And do regular water changes, possibly even every day.
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