somebody else with ich!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 15, 2006
Austin, TX
looks like raising the temp is what most people are recommending...

Does anyone know if Redlined torpedo barbs can handle it? I also have clown loaches, plecos, a boesemani rainbow and an emerald rainbow.

Yeah they should be fine just raise the temp slowly. I had my tank at 87 for 3 weels and my RummyNose Tetras were fine with it so Im sure your barbs will be fine
I've got it cranked up to right about 87. The fish seem fine so far. I suppose it takes a few days for the white spots to go away?

Do you know if the warm water kills all stages of the ich or is it just the tomites that it kills?

It is all over my loaches... they look miserable!

Thanks for the help.
It kills the parasite in it free swimming stage. It could take 4 weeks or more. Unfortunately loaches are very susceptible to it.
Day 3... Well, we lost one of the loaches yesterday and the other one isn't looking too good either. Tried feeding some black worms (his favorite) and at first he seemed interested and got one halfway into his mouth and then spit it out. He's covered with ich and his colors are faded. :(

I still see some white spots on the other fish but they don't seem to be flashing and scratching as much.

Ich sucks!!
Day 6... aren't things supposed to start looking better?!!

OK, so I must admit that things do look better for most everybody. But Mr. loach still looks about the same. Hasn't eaten in 4 days. Still covered with little white specks. And is in hiding most of the time. At the advice of the LFS I started putting Quick Cure in the tank every day at 1 drop/2 gallons, 3 days ago.

The other fish seem to be completely "clean" at this point. Does anyone have any last ditch ideas? I think today is the loach's last day otherwise.
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