Something is making my Leather unhappy

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 28, 2002
My toadstool has been growing by leaps and bounds. It will normally be fully opened within 15 minutes of lights on. Sunday evening, I did a water change, only 8 gallons out of a 150 tank. The leather closed up during the process and has not opened up since. What could have made it so unhappy? The sg was the same. Is it normal for them to do this? None of the other corals, nor the anemone, seem upset.
Leather corals will close up periodically to shed a waxy film. When they go into a shed it is usually proceeded by some event, like a water change, temp drop, move from LFS to your tank, etc...They will close for a few days (usually their surface becomes shiney), then they will begin to open up and the film will begin to shed. The process can be accerated by pointing a power head at it during the process.
My toadstool leather hasn't been opening up for a long time now! (weeks :( ) I added a powerhead a couple weeks ago and it started to open a little but hasn't ever fully extended like it use too. After tonights water change the PH is pointed right at it but the ph has a rotater so it isn't getting a constant blast. I read that they like the current.(somwhere :roll: ) Do you guys find that they like a strong current?
All tank test are fine. Nitrates were a little high a few weeks ago but are below 10 now.
Any info. that may get my toadstool to blossom again will be greatly appreciated, It has me worried! Looks fine other than not extending its polyps, which makes me wonder if it is getting enough to eat? :?
Just speaking of mine is in indirect current. I have found with a powerhead aimed at it, it will stay closed.
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