Southdown desperate (Bay Area CA.)

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 15, 2003
San Jose ,CA
Hate to beat this one to death but has anyone from the Bay Area (South Bay to be more specific) found this elusive Southdown. I think it would be easier to spot Elvis than to find this mysterious sand. The Basalite that I picked up from the local home depot is questionable and I would rather get the real stuff or a 100% silica and sterilized equivalent.

Please help
The southdown may be diffcult to find. It is seasonal, it is regional as well, allocated to the North East (don't feel bad the stuff is processed in Ft Meyers FL and I can't find it here in FL either :roll: ), I have heard rumors though that it is cropping up in Walmarts all over the country sold as Old Castle (these people bought out SouthDown) and YardRight. If you are unable to find it a (slightly more expensive option, but still better than buying from the LFS is
I'm setting a 55 gal, and had no luck finding Southdown/Yardright sand at the local HD here in Tampa. With the help of others on this forum I found some available stock at the following HD;

Tropical Play Sand Sku#:578-819
Watchung Home Depot Store #906
1515 Route 22
Watchung, NJ 07069

Go to your local HD and give them the SKU # , they can check other stores inventory and tell you the closest with available sand.

I'm bringing it UPS.

Tampa FL
I had Home Depot run that number and it came up as an invalid number. I think this southdown is primarily an east coast thing. Hmm time for another post.
When I gave them the number at HD it came up as a Garden sand... So the number doesn't always help... I had to buy LFS sand
that sand is located in the garden center in home depot. we have it in chicago-land. but i dont know how much further west.

use the number 578-819 when asking for it. it should come up as a product sold buy home depot at the very least. whether or not they actually have it is another story.

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