Star Wars Figures...

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 18, 2003
Milwaukee, WI
I certainly hope this does not go the wrong way!
I respect this and every fish forum!

I have a huge collection of Star Wars Figures ranging from POTF to current ones. There is also rare, errors, and hard to find ones.
All of the figures are mint on mint cards. The have been, since I bought them, in plastic protective containers stored in a smoke-free home.
I want to get rid of these figures, with the hope of using the money towards my new, and everloving hobby...FISH! Now if interested,
I will supply pictures and check if there is a particular item or items you are looking for.

Here is a list of items I will be willing to trade:

20/30 gallon tank,
Air pump for up to 30 gallons,
Decorations (i.e. caves, plants, rocks, driftwood, etc...),
Convict Cichlids with bright color lines,
Fancy Guppies (Blacks, Blues, Red, Dragon, etc...),
Filters & media,
Power Strips (Surge Protectors,
Money (LOL),
about anything and everything to fill/start a 20/30 gallon tank.

Please respect the fact that I am a TRUE fish fanatic, and not some fly-by-night fish admirer.
I have bred and raised Zebra, Leopard, and Pearl Danio's for years.
I have recently got into Fancy Guppies, Convict Cichlids, and Cichlisoma Spilurum.
I am serious about fish and just looking to clear out some attic space, and have some extra cash for my fishy friends, to expand their community.

I currently have:

1 10 gallon: 2 Breeding Convict Cichlids with 4 LF Leopard Danio.
1 10 gallon: 2 Breeding Cichlasoma Spilurum
1 5 gallon: Breeding Trio Of Fancy Guppy
So you see why the extra tanks and equipment would be helpful!

Thank you for taking me serious, and for interest!
You might want to try and sell them outright on ebay.. I know that star wars stuff can go for a pretty penny there... Its just a thought but i would guess that you could get enough to buy everything you wanted..

Thank you!
I already thought of that, but Ebay request a credit card now for selling...and we just decided not to mess with credit for another year. With car payments and all that, all we need to do is mess up our credit, so we dont need them.
I do appreciate the help though.
If you really want convicts then the bigger the tank you get the better, so I would up your minimum tank size to the 30 gallon. A 40 would be best.
hi ben, ebay would be an excellent way to sell those figures. all you need is an atm/debit card to start. not just credit cards. also, there are alot of star wars boards that would be interested. i know of one that my brother goes on. --lots of links. hope this helps
I know that you can use an ATM card... I have just recently setup an Ebay account using my atm/debit card.. It order for it to work you must have at least $1.00 in the account.. Ebay has also added that you need to have a checking account as well for further verification.. You can use the Live help on the Ebay home page if you are unable to get registered for an Ebay account...

Hey you can always try "Craig's List" Thats what i use to sell/buy anything and everything.

you can put in your post that youll ship and im sure someone will email you!

good luck!
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