Starting a 36 gallon tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 28, 2013
Alberta Canada
I have a 36 gallon tank ready to be stocked. I was hoping to get a community of corys, gouramis, and platies. However, I also have a 5 gallon tank with 3 columbian tetras. They are my first fish and I didn't know they would get so big. I know the 5 gallon is too small for them, so I would like to put them in the 36 gallon and get some guppies for the 5. I was wondering if my tetras would get along with the gouramis n platies? I'm not sure how many of each I should get either.Thanks!
The tetras can be nippy, so they might annoy your gourami. It's hard to say. But they definitely don't belong in a 5 gallon so I agree that you need to move them over. They also want and need to be in a full school, so you'll need some more.
Yah I heard they can get nippy but in a larger school they usually keep to themselves. Also I forgot to say dwarf gouramis specifically. I have heard that the females are rather shy and get stressed with active fish like the tetras.
Also if I'm getting platies should I get both male and female? I don't plan on taking care of fry.
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