Starting shrimp tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 31, 2014
Hey! I've had a tank cycling for a long time now, and finally think I would like to start a shrimp tank.
It's a 5g, no decorations or anything on the bottom of it yet.

Was looking for some ideas!
My 10g has fake plants so this one I would love to change it up to real ones

Thanks! ?
If you are getting a shrimp tank you need real plants. I might recommend a moss ball too. You can get shrimp in pretty much any color but Red Cherry Shrimp and Red Crystal Shrimp are my favorite. You can get them cheap here in the classifieds or on eBay or on Just know the shrimp multiply pretty fast. Within a month they will multiply. If I were you whoever you buy from, see if the shrimp are all from the same parents or are mixed (to prevent inbreeding).
If you are getting a shrimp tank you need real plants. I might recommend a moss ball too. You can get shrimp in pretty much any color but Red Cherry Shrimp and Red Crystal Shrimp are my favorite. You can get them cheap here in the classifieds or on eBay or on Just know the shrimp multiply pretty fast. Within a month they will multiply. If I were you whoever you buy from, see if the shrimp are all from the same parents or are mixed (to prevent inbreeding).

Thanks! And what about guppy grass? I seen it at the lps last visit and it looks very nice!
I have never personally had it but I don't see why not! FYI, when you buy plants, look for pond snails. You could also get a guppy or two for something to look at. The shrimp don't put too much of a bioload.
I have never personally had it but I don't see why not! FYI, when you buy plants, look for pond snails. You could also get a guppy or two for something to look at. The shrimp don't put too much of a bioload.

I have a tank filled with Guppy's and had no clue what to do with some of them, wasn't sure if the shrimp would eat them. Hah
Oh no, the shrimp are pretty small. The guppies might eat the fry if anything. I might also recommend floating plants for the fry to hide in. They start out as eggs under the tail of the female shrimp and hatch within a month. Just don't get duckweed, as I have heard nothing but bad things about it. I personally have salvinia minima in my tank. I am waiting for my Red Cherry Shrimp to come in the mail.
Would sand be good for the bottom or is gravel better for them? Lol sorry haha
If the was one plant for a shrimp tank then I would say Java Moss. The shrimps feed off the bio film, no damage to the moss, and the baby's have a safe haven, especially if you have fish in the tank. ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1391585627.773725.jpg
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