Starting up a 20- 30 gallon tank. Stocking options.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 23, 2013
Hi there,
I am purchasing a 20 or 30 gallon tank soon and was wondering if I could have some ideas about stocking options. I am going to be doing a fish in cycle with it as well as having some of it planted to begin with. My questions is what I should stock in the tank with tiger barbs. I am absolutely certain I want tiger barbs, I know some of their behaviour, possible fin nipping keeping them in a group 6+ and can be aggressive with other fish and was wondering what could be kept with them. I have read and been told to put danios and a red tail shark with them however from reading I believe this would be too small a set up for the red tail shark. Any other tank mates you could think of would be a great help :).
Thank you.
(P.S. sorry if you see this in another forum, I accidentally posted it there and cannot figure out how to delete it!)
If you have the opportunity, I would go with the 30 gallon. You definitely can't stop a red tailed shark because of size and aggression but my tiger barbs get along with a kribensis quite well
We got the 33 gallon long tank. That's what I had thought about the redtail sharks but two pet stores have argued with me that I can easily fit one in a 20 or 30 gal.
What are your thoughts on having danios? I plan on getting a school of 7-9 tiger barbs so that they will stay together since I heard they are more aggressive with fewer fish in the schools.
I have zebra in my tank right now for cycling. I was hoping to keep zerba danios in that tank, however if that isn't possible I have my set up 35 gallon tank with guppies platys and zebra danios already in it that they can be added to.
I have zebra in my tank right now for cycling. I was hoping to keep zerba danios in that tank, however if that isn't possible I have my set up 35 gallon tank with guppies platys and zebra danios already in it that they can be added to.

I think zebra danios would work, if possible I would stray away from Long fin variations of them just to be safe with the tiger barbs
I got all short fin for that reason, the long fins can stay with the guppies. Any other fish that can go well in this tank?
I've never heard of killifish before, I was thinking of cichlids but I have absolutely no clue about them whatsoever.
Cichlids could work. They are very aggressive however. IMO the Peacock Cichlids are the prettiest and least agressive. The Sunshine Yellow, Rubin Red are very nice. I have rainbow fish and tiger barbs and Larger Tetras were a big problem with aggression. Do a lot of research before you purchase Cichlids. A lot will say "from Lake Malawi" but there are different varieties and some are more aggressive and some are less. I wish I had looked into it a lot more before I purchased mine earlier this year.
Cichlids could work. They are very aggressive however. IMO the Peacock Cichlids are the prettiest and least agressive. The Sunshine Yellow, Rubin Red are very nice. I have rainbow fish and tiger barbs and Larger Tetras were a big problem with aggression. Do a lot of research before you purchase Cichlids. A lot will say "from Lake Malawi" but there are different varieties and some are more aggressive and some are less. I wish I had looked into it a lot more before I purchased mine earlier this year.

I recommended dwarf cichlids because they are very peaceful and stay relatively small. The op should research Bolivian rams, German blue rams, or kribensis.
From researching the fish listed, I enjoyed the two types or Rams or maybe the rainbowfish depending on what is available around here, I'd have to decide which type I would go with. At this moment I am leaning towards the german blue rams, however if I did that I would have to definitely make caves and wait until my plants have grown a lot more.
I'm sorry if this sounds very unknowledgable but I was wondering if a group of female bettas would work?
A sorority group of at least 3 bettas would probably be ok. They tend to stay around the top of the tank. Bettas can be unruly, and sometimes even with a sorority group you will get fighting. I think you would be better off with the German rams or dwarf cichlids.
I have a small sorority in my 10 gal tank and love them that was why I was wondering. That and I know they can definately be aggressive. But I definately would not take a chance with it since it seems to be a pretty bad idea.
I think that anytime you deal with aggressive or semi-aggressive species you kind of roll the dice because you just don't really know how they will behave with other fish.
Thank you for all the advice, in the next few weeks I will be visiting the LFS again and seeing what is available out of your suggestions. I'll be happy to see the tank in its glory when time finally comes :).

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