stocking a 183gl (60x24x30)

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 12, 2004
a couple months back i made a thread about a friend of mine with a 225 reef tank that he had to move to an upstairs apartment. he was unsuccessful and had to move it to his parents house.

that presented a problem for me as well, considering that i had a 280 acrylic on the way.

i had to re-evaluate my apartments floor restrictions and decided to go with a 183gl (60x24x30) instead...

well, here's the deal, my 183 arrives on the first of sept. and i plan on putting at least 1 7in albino tiger, 1 6in JD and 1 6in sailfin pleco.

i will have more than adequate filtration (3 eheim 2128 pro 2) and would like to add maybe one or two more oscars/1 GT/clown knife/maybe a pangasius cat?

what says
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