Stocking a 55g?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 5, 2011
-2 angels
-1 kissing gourami
-1 african butterfly
-1 featherfin catfish
-5 silver hatchets
-6 cories cats
-10 skirt tetras

Any aggressions?

And knowing that angels are territorial, if i mistakenly get 2 of the same gender because sexing them is hard, will they fight? ( i know that u have to get a lot of them and see if 2 pair up and then you can tell which ones is the male/female etc. but imma just purchase them right out of the store.) (i'm also getting them in different colors to so the aggression will lessen and imma acclimate them at the same time)

Thank you so much!!!! :D
Kissing gouramis get wayyyyy too big. By african butterfly, do you mean the cichlid? If so, it might get lonely.
+1 on the kissing gouramis try moonlight gouramis ;) and by african butterfly I dont think he means the cichlid but the predator that always stays at the top of the tank, the african butterflyfish
yea i meant the predatory top dweller butterfly. yeah but i really want kissings because of their mouth actions. i heard they get to be 8 inches, so i think im going to buy a tank that longer than taller, but as tall as 20 inches for the angels. Is it fine though? I mean moonlight gouramis are hard to find, which i only shop at petsmart and petco.
African butterfly fish are schooling fish, and really prefer a quiet tank with very little water movement.
Hatchets need soft water , and can be tough to get to eat flakes.
with so many concerns about the butterfly, i think imma let him i gess he's out of my list...but if hes gone...what other fish can go with this community?
Unless you want to get 5-6 young angels then return the extras after you have an established pair it would be best to stick with one. Some of the less nippy barbs like cherry or rosy barbs would mix, or another group of tetras. Personally I like the Columbian tetras. They grow to about the same size as the skirts, and mix well with mine.
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