Stocking community

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 10, 2012
Deerfield Beach, FL
Hello all!
You've never turned me in the wrong direction before. I currently acquired a 55 gallon tank and want to make it a community tank. I am used to salt water fish and was looking on some information on stocking fish. I was leaning towards ottos tetras and maybe center piece fish. Any suggestions? How many tetras and ottos can I get? I'm looking for lots of movement. Would two AC110s be enough filtration? Or is that too much for fish so small?
otocinclus catfish need an aged tank at least 6 months with a nice layer of biofilm to thrive. i would wait a while to get those. could you be more specific on the tetras?
Ok I will have to wait to add them once tank is established. I was thinking a large amount of neon tetras or some buenos aires tetras
you could do a large school(25+) of neon tetras, rummynose tetras, glowlight tetras, celestial pearl danios or a smaller school(15+) of buenos aires tetras
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