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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 14, 2012
I currently have a 45 gallon tank in which I have 3 black tetras, 2 white tetras, 1 red tailed shark, 1 koi angelfish, and 1 siamese flying fox. I would like to add either a bolivian ram or German blue question is which would be best? And should I get 1 or do I need a pair? Water parameters ammo 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 5.0 ppm, ph 7.6...any other suggestions on what to add? I mainly want the rams because of their color. I kind of want a centerpiece to add to my tank. Thankyou
You could add 1 or a pair but remember just because you put a male and female in together doesn't necessarily mean they will pair up. GBR's have more color but your tank needs to be a few months old and matured as GBR's don't do well in new tanks. They are also very senitive to nitrates so you have to keep up on water changes. Bolivian Rams aren't as colorful but are a hardier fish and can be added in newer tanks.
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