Stocking Help

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 22, 2020
Hi! I'm looking for help stocking my tank. I have a 10 gallon tank. It currently holds a julii cory (I know these should be kept in groups, got 4 but that was 2 years ago) and a black racer snail. It also recently held a beta which is why we had only gotten a 10 gallon.
Now we don't want another beta, but I'm at a loss for what else we can put in there and have it be happy. Ideally we want a variety, but it's so hard to get reliable information on what different species can be held together, especially in small spaces.
One day we hope to upgrade but it isn't an option at the moment. Our tank is at healthy levels and has been established for about 2 years. Beginner and Intermediate fish would be okay.
I really need the help. Let me know if you have questions. Thank you!
You could put 1 dwarf gourami in there. They have tons of personality and are quite charming. They are non aggressive (at least the ones I have) and you could put some neon tetras. I have 3 powder blue gourami in my 40 gallon community tank and they are so sweet and don't bother my albino cory.
You could put 1 dwarf gourami in there. They have tons of personality and are quite charming. They are non aggressive (at least the ones I have) and you could put some neon tetras. I have 3 powder blue gourami in my 40 gallon community tank and they are so sweet and don't bother my albino cory.

Thank you! That sounds really fun. I'll look into that!
Have you considered some small schooling fish like ember tetras, neon green rasboras, galaxy rasboras (they're quite sensitive to water quality though), chili rasboras, green neon tetras, or a trio of killifish? Or even just a small group of male guppies or Endlers, to add a splash of colour to the tank. You can add some shrimp and snails too, for the sake of variety.
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