Stocking Ideas - 20 Gallon

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 25, 2020
I have a well established 20 gallon (wide) tank. currently I have 3 Corydoras Paleatus, 1 Bristlenose Plechostomus, 1 mystery snail, and 3 very small female Molly (about 9 months old, raised from fry) .

I was thinking about adding some more fish to the tank, and was wondering what other folks would recommend.

I was definitely thinking about adding a male molly eventually. but was torn between adding more live bearers like platys or guppies, or schooling fish like tetras.

I have had an issues in the past with overstocking so was also interested in suggestions for how many more fish (beyond just the 1 in / gal rule of thumb)

You could add the male molly and about 8-10 smallish schooling fish, like Harlequin Rasboras, without being overstocked. If it were me I'd stop after that because I like to stay understocked.
You could add the male molly and about 8-10 smallish schooling fish, like Harlequin Rasboras, without being overstocked. If it were me I'd stop after that because I like to stay understocked.

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