Stocking ideas for new planted 55 g freshwater? (intermediate)

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 5, 2015
does anyone have any ideas for stocking a planted fresh water 55 gallon tanks?
5 boesemani rainbowfish
5 dwarf neon rainbowfish
1 redtail black shark
2 German blue rams
15 neon tetras

All of these fish love lots of plants, especially the neon tetras and rainbows. This would just about fill the tank, but would probably be a nice setup.
I lean toward nano fish.

Microdevario kubatoi
Any blue eyed rainbows
Cory habrosus
Cory pygmaeus
BN plecos
Peacock gudgeon
Badis badis
Emerald Lampeye
Norman Lampeye
Apisto. Macilennis
Apisto. Fire red agassizii
Apisto. Borelli
Tanaka's guppies
Amano shrimp
Purple catfish

Pm me if you want to know where to get these.
This is what I have in my 55g.

7. Cory habrosus
3. Cory pygmaeus
2. Ancistrus
9. Pseudomugil iriani
2. Emerald Lampeye
2. Amber finned Lampeye
3. Blue pinoy angels
2. Badis badis
4. Blue form badis badis
4. Peacock gudgeons
6. Microdevario kubatoi
2. Apisto. Maciliensis
4. Otos
? Ghost shrimp
? Blue mystery snails
? Blue ramshorn snails
I have 12 tetras (A combo of glow light, black neon, and cardinal), 3 angels, 2 BNPs, 6 ottos, pair of Apistos, and 6 Albino corys. Seems just right and not crowded. Just for a ball park of what you could get.
You could even just do a few schools of tiny fish. For example:

15 neon tetras
15 glow light tetras
15 black neon tetras
15 celestial pearl danios
15 harlequin rasboras

Something like this.
What plants are going in the tank?

Are you going for an aquascape, biotopes, or just b/c I like it?

Aside from nano fish I have a soft spot for wild type livebearers.

Wild type guppies
Least killifish

Many of these are CARES fish and some are thought to be extinct in the wild.

There are also native type fish. Some north american native fish species are just as or more colorful than their south american cousins. My favorite is the pygmy sunfish (elassoma).

Many of these are not available at your LFS. Cruise the classifieds for more ideas, pop in and check the comments for commercial retailers or check the auctions at AquaBid.

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