stocking ideas please

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 12, 2011
I just got a 55 gallon and on my 4 day of cycling the pet store guy said to let the tank run emppty for a week because there would be a ammonia spike around the 5th day but o read about cycling and added ammonia the levels have dropped to around 4ppm was at 6 without adding ammonia just put crushed flake food day later I added about 5 teaspoons of ammonia witch I think will start the process I have one dempsy but I might keep him in a 40 long please five me some ideas for stocking I like dempsy because the colors but for my 55 I wanna maybe put African cichlids but either way would like to know what is compadible with a dempsey he already killed the albino that I bought with it around the 4th day him and the pleco that I just bought get along fine and there in a 10th gallon dempsey is about 3 inches pleco is about 4 or 5

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