Stocking ?'s...

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 22, 2006
I have a tank with a snail (size of a ping-pong ball), a betta (caged up in a isolation chamber) two neon tetras, two white mollies and two green cobra guppies.

I used to have a catfish in there (small one), and he died, nothing left but skeleton. I few weeks later (last week) I put a clown loach in. He seemed to be doing fine, but this morning he wasn't anywhere to be found. I just got a call from my gf, his skeleton was found near my filter.

The clown always lied on his side, but I read that this was normal. He swam around, but I never actually saw him eat. I dropped in algea wafers, but the mollies or the snail got to it first.

One question here....I notice my guppies and my mollies are always hanging out near the bottom, and often harass my snail, pecking at him, causing him to retreat into his shell alot of the time.

Could it be possible my other fish have killed my catfish and/or loach?

I am heading to the store where I bought him tonight, along with a water sample and want to get informed before hand.
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