Substrate for Blennies/Jawfish?

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Is a substrate like Black Moon Sand OK for burrowing fish like blennies or jawfish? I'm starting a new 30 gallon, and wanted to go with a black substrate mostly for it's appearance. I've been told by some that it's OK, and by others that these fish cannot live in fine sand- that they must have coarse sand to burrow into. Is Black moon sand too fine for them?
Umm... Steve-s, I read the thread you referred me to, any while it's about a jawfish, it doesn't really say anything about how coarse or fine their substrate needs to be. :? Does anyone else have any info on this??? :?:
A sand sifting gobie will require sand (fine grain is best, slightly courser than sugar grains or finer), not a crushed coral type, as other gobies and blennies do not sift the sand through their gills, the courseness does not matter. The Black sand I believe is pretty fine so it sould be OK either way.
Hi, our sand is the black tahitian sand, the blue spot jawfish has burrowed in it fine but we also have bits of larger substrate broken pieces of rock (rubble) that when we ordered our rock from Marine depot live there was plenty of, as of today he has taken some of that rock and has supported what he has dug, this fish is the coolest, they are a bit high but very fun to watch. I did a lot of research before getting him to find out what was needed, from what I have read they like sand but also like some rocky substrate. Here's some sites that have helped me :
go to enviromental conditions


but what has helped me with research with fish is this book which I bought through AA it's called The Conscientious Marine Aquarist, it's really helped us out on trying to figure out what kind of fish, how big, what they eat and so on.

Hope this helps :D

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