Substrate Question

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 8, 2011

I just ordered a bunch of plants a few days ago and want to switch my substrate to eco-complex planted aquarium substrate. Will completely changing my substrate mess up my levels of beneficial bacteria and will I have to start a new cycle?

Trail_Mix said:

I just ordered a bunch of plants a few days ago and want to switch my substrate to eco-complex planted aquarium substrate. Will completely changing my substrate mess up my levels of beneficial bacteria and will I have to start a new cycle?


It will. The majority of beneficial bacteria live in the filter media...but there is plenty of it in the substrate. It won't completely uncycle your tank, but you will absolutely mini-cycle. Daily pwc's and never letting the ammonia or no2 climb above .25 is mandatory to prevent your fish from suffering. Here's a link that will get you through the process :)
You will probably be okay just keep an eye on water parameters, it just depends on how well established the tank is. If there is any buffers in the gravel (like crushed coral) I would bag it and leave it in the tank for a while and gradually remove it.
I have change gravel gravel like this before, what I normally do is leave some old in and gradually take it out. (like every week ill take a little more out until I have all new gravel).
A lot of the bacteria live in your filter, so I doubt there'll be much of a problem as long as you keep the same filter and your tank isn't overstocked. I've completely changed out gravel before and it didn't cause any harm. Plus, plants act as a natural filter so if you have a good plant load and not too many fish, the plants will take care of the ammonia, nitrites, nitrates etc.
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