Suggestion for a 10 gallon built

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 30, 2015
Well I currently have a another 10 gallon aquarium that is not still completed cycled. But I have one platy pregnant and my daughter(and also I) are quite excited about this that I decided to built another 10gallon that I had spare for breeding. I know breeding is not profitable this is just for fun and learning.

ok saying all this, I need suggestions, it will be good to add plants? I know 10 gallons is kind of small so I what I can add or a 10 gallons? How I can accelerate the cycling. This time I would do a fishless cycling, how I can use some of the media from my other aquarium without damaging it? Any other suggestion for the built is well appreciate.

By the way sorry for too many question, there is so much information out there is a little overwhelming.
Too many questions is never a bad thing. To start with, plants in a breeding tank for most livebearers is great especially floaters( hornwort anachris etc.) and mosses like Java moss. These make use of fish pee Lol. Also they provide an excellent safe hiding place for the fry which is essential. As for speeding up the cycling process what you can do is take a filter cartridge from another tank and fit it in the new ten's HOB along with a new unused filter after a day or so a portion of the bacteria should have transferred to the new filter cartridge. You can then put the old cartridge in the other tank. Some people might disagree with my methods but it's all about doing what's right for you. If you can't get your
Hands on a used filter cartridge beg at your LFS for used seeding material. Most likely they will give you some. There are different methods of speeding up the cycling process

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I wouldn't think it would damage the other ten's condition. If your worried about removing a lot of the bb you can always stuff another cartridge in the working ten and get that seeded and then use the old filter cartridge for the new tank. No way of spiking the old tank then

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Thanks for the advice. Is difficult for me to find things since the only thing I have near is a petsmart and petco and both are a nearly 1 hour trip. But your advice are very appreciated. My plans were to built a bigger tank for my office. But I having that spare tank and with my daughter wanting to see frys, I couldn't resist the idea of another tank.

One thing that I don't really understand is the light thing , my current aquarium have leds light the aquarium kit included. That light would be enough for those type of plants? Adding co2 would be needed?

This aquarium thing was a gift for my daughter and I ended getting addicted I don't know is more excited me or my daughter.
Lighting and co2 req are all based on what plants you'd like to keep. The more you are willing to put into this hobby the better equipment and plants you can get. That being said I've seen beautiful low tech tanks. What led do you have what brand? Most likely if it's a kit it will have bad lighting. For the plants I recommended that will be no problem. Co2 is not a must for them but they will FLOURISH with them.

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Btw if Petco or pet smart are an hour away have you showered for
Local mom and pop fish stores ? They usually have better selection and more experience with reasonable prices, great places! Try to see via craigslist if you can't find any seeded material from local fishkeepers. If you still can't find anything and want to keep on trying Aa is your go to. Members here are very helpful and often give Away things free and would love to help a fellow member. I could send you some if you were willing to pay shipping.

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There aren't any shops near me. I live in Puerto Rico so Craigslist is not an option. Regarding plants I will follow your advice since it will be mostly for breeding purposes. I plan to do a big aquarium in the future but for now I will settle the 10 gallons.

The light is indeed from a kit. Well the spare 10 gallon doesn't have lights yet but I was asking about the kit one because in Walmart they sold the lid with the lights but if anyone has a link for a better option please paste it here.

Although is only a 10 gallon I will enjoy this built because is not a kit and my wife was the one that decorated the first one.
If you mean a better option for lights you can check Amazon for finned ( the most loved lighting brand on Aa) or satellite, but these won't really be necessary unless you really want hard plants . If you get high lighting you're gonna need co2 ( or else algae bloom) . Keep in mind the more heavily your tank is planted the easier it will be for the fry to survive and the more fish you can keep in it. If you ever want inspiration for a beautiful planted tank just check out the section for planted tanks. They've been a huge help to me and they have some real experts there.

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For breeding and raising the fry you might want to make a thread on that section.

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Thanks a lot for your help. You gave ne a few ideas about how to start.
I think I already decide in what to buy for the new aquarium, the only thing I have doubts is regarding the filter. Do I need to buy or do something different because the frys.
Well tbh I've never bred any type of fish before. ( Hoping too in the near future). But most breeding setups include sponge filters. ( they are very good in tanks where smaller fish or shrimp are being bred. ( no possible ways of fry getting stuck into the back of an HOB and dying without you noticing. They are good for a ten gallon. They are relatively cheap and inexpensive to make. I recliners watching a video on YouTube about them.
Well tbh I've never bred any type of fish before. ( Hoping too in the near future). But most breeding setups include sponge filters. ( they are very good in tanks where smaller fish or shrimp are being bred. ( no possible ways of fry getting stuck into the back of an HOB and dying without you noticing. They are good for a ten gallon. They are relatively cheap and inexpensive to make. I recliners watching a video on YouTube about them.

Thanks for the advice I will look for that.
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