Suggestions for a less "messy" substrate??

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 6, 2011

I currently have a 6G tank with a Fluval Stratum bottom. If I move a plant, or take one out to clean it off, the re-planting is a nightmare. The water gets very messy as the stratum breaks down into mud in the area that it's disrupted. The plants are doing well, but the muddy water settles onto the leaves and turns them brown, which is very unsightly too. I want to replace the substrate with a less messy alternative, but I'm not sure what I should use. I don't really need my plants getting much bigger than I buy them, so I'm even considering gravel. If I dose regularly, is this a viable option?

I've looked at Fluorite, but that seems as it can be messy and difficult to rinse.

What are my options?
gravel will work just fine provided you use root tabs for the heavy root feeders if you have any, sand is also a good option. I my self use caribsea super naturals tahitian moon sand which is a bit pricey ($23 for 20lbs of it) but since you have a small tank i dont think it would be too bad, they also sell it in 5 lb bags. i made sure to clean it very well though so even if i disturb the sand on purpose it will not cloud the water, in fact i have a Co2 reactor i constantly stirs the sand just underneath it and my water is always crystal clear
Eco complete. Resembles gravel in black or reddish-brown. I love it am I add root tabs but only to get as much growth as possible. I do a bi-monthly trim and get 1-2 cups of trimmings from all the plants in my 29.

If you use sand you may want a few nice rocks and shells or ornaments to keep plants in place while roots develop, I have dwarf sag that floated up about a half inch so visible roots were above the gravel surface.

I mixed 20lbs Eco complete with the 20 lbs of CaribSea fine gravel (peace river?) I had already. The colors clashed so now my tank is calico. I'm used to it now but wish I had used the red
If you substrate isn't too deep have you considered capping it with sand or a find gravel the same as you would a dirted tank?
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