Sump recommendations Please!!!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 19, 2005
A few quick questions I'm hoping someone will have the answers too-

1. When placing 40-50 pounds of LR in a 30 gallon tank what is the loss in water volume? Have yet to find the calculator for this one!!

2. I have 10" of clearance on the bottom shelf of my tank stand, not even high enough to fit a standard 10 gallon. I'm trying to figure in some way to have a sump to boost my water volume and hide all my equipment in a space measuring 35" x 20" x 10". Also would like to use my Aquac remora HOB skimmer in my sump instead of on my main tank.
Any or all Suggestions would be very much appreciated for possible sump ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So PLEASE fire away!!!!
i second the rubbermaid type container. Lots of shapes and heights. That should do just fine. No need for anything fancy.

Nevermind, I see you already have the Remora. A rep from AquaC told me, all you have to do is make the tube for the PH longer, and rig the Remora so that it will stand straight. She told me to take off the screws in the back, and build something to make it stand.
I once calculated that rock is around 12 lb per gallon. Clearly it's more than the 8.4 lb/gal that water is (else it would float). also it varies with the type of rock.

I could be wrong of couse, but I think this is pretty close.

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