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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 17, 2011
So i came home from work with my new kuhli loaches, acclimated them, and added them to my tank, while trying to feed my other fish after adding them, i saw a little tiny shimmer out of the corner of my eye... !!! A guppy fry!!! I had bought 7 feeder guppies the day before, all were female, and most hugely pregnant, so i was expecting fry soon, but not that soon... i found and caught 2. These are my first fry and im surprised they survived the angelfish...


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i have another female in a fry saver and has had 4 in the last hour. big, healthy fry! dont think she is done yet, but she is young so we will see!
another big surprise! my angels have spawned again, second time spwaning together, 3rd time the female has laid... and first time it hasnt been on the filter intake... i guess taking her eggs away last time made her rethink the location... anyway, here is a pic to show where she laid... i moved the filter away from the spawn site, and tipped it so i can monitor the eggs easier. i hope i get babies this time! where i shaded with tan or grey is where there are eggs, with the majority being in the tan shaded area.


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I was told that angels only eat the unfertilized eggs and they also told me to put a piece of slate in my tank and once they laid the eggs to put them in a desperate tank and once they hatched to feed them liquid shrimp brine
If the eggs are a solid white they haven't been fertilized from the research I've done
Just a thought is there any way to put some type of net over the eggs next time? Like a breeding net just minus the frame.
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