Aquarium Advice Addict
Recently my co2 system has been really annoying. It seems pretty determined to go to war with me. Sometimes it blasts too much co2 into the tank. One time it killed two out of the three fish I had by emptying a FULL cylinder of co2 into the tank in an hour. Then other times it just doesn't go on. I'll open all the valves all the way, open the cylinder as much as I can, but it just decides not go to on.
I only have low light plants such as dwarf anubias, java fern, crypts, and amazon swords. Would it be okay if I stopped using co2 and switched to Seachem flourish excel? I hear people use it instead of co2 sometimes, and I'm not ready to have my co2 system wipe out my stock again. What do you think?
I only have low light plants such as dwarf anubias, java fern, crypts, and amazon swords. Would it be okay if I stopped using co2 and switched to Seachem flourish excel? I hear people use it instead of co2 sometimes, and I'm not ready to have my co2 system wipe out my stock again. What do you think?