Swollen Lips

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 1, 2005
1. One of my white skirted Tetras has a swollen bottom lip. It is a blue dyed tetra (don't yell at me, I didn't know people did that when I bought them). The lip is pinky white in color and significantly larger than the bottom lip on my other fish. There is also similar colored tissue growing up into the top fin from the body of the fish (none of my others are like this at all. The growth/swelling doesn't look cottony. I have looked at diagnostic sites and havne't gotten a definitive answer therefore I come here. :D

2~What are your tank parameters Ammonia 0ppm; Nitrite 0ppm; Nitrate - no tester; Ph 7.6; Temp 81 F 27 C

3~ How large is the tank? 10 gal. How long has the tank been set up? 14 months

4~What type of filtration are you using? Aqua-Tech 5/15 They say it is rated at 100 gal/hour but that seems high

5~How many fish are in the tank? 6
What kinds of fish are they and what are their current sizes? 3 White skirt tetras 1 about 2" 2 about 1.25", 2 blackskirt tetras about .75"; 1 clown pleco about 2"

6~When is the last time you did a water change and vacuum the gravel? Did a pwc and gravel vacuum 6 days ago when got back from 4 weeks vacation. Someone did it once for us while we were gone 2 weeks before. it needs gravel vacced again. I normally try to do this weekly, removing about 2.5 - 3 gal

7~How long have you had the fish? 14 month

8~Have you added anything new to the tank? No

9~What kind of food have you been feeding your fish, have you changed their diet recently?
Tetra min tropical fish flakes no diet change


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Is the fish eating well and swimming well? Did this just start or has it been like that for a while? To be honest, the fish look fine. I see the lip, but it doesn't look infected. Just looks like a large lip (one of my blackskirt tetras has the same thing).

I also see the "growth" on the fish but cannot make out anything it could be.

That said, I would try changing the water every 2-3 days for 2 weeks or so and see if the fish look better. Probably nothing to worry about.
Thanks for the reply.

It seems to be eating quite okay. Swims as well as it ever did.

This morning all 5 of the tetras are tearing around the tank like as if there is no tomorrow to swim. The one with the fat lip is sticking right beside the big one.

I will try the water changes and see what happens

Thanks again.
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