Swordtails patch

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 31, 2011
England, UK
Hey everyone,

I've been reading these forums for months and they've been a great help. About a month ago one of my male swordtails got a massive patch on his side (images attached). It appeared suddenly, not gradually, and he's showing no other obvious signs of illness. He's swimming absolutely fine, playing with the others, coming up for food, etc.

I've read through a lot of posts on here and found a link: Fish Health and Disease
which I read through, and the closest match I could find was fungus. I thought Waterlife Protozin would be my best bet as it treats a whole load of diseases, the 6 day cycle finished 3 days ago. Only problem is he looks exactly the same.

(Sorry for the blurry images, he wouldn't stay still!)



I just wanted a second opinion on whether or not this is fungus, and if not, what it is! Thanks :)

Could well be I suppose, I'll keep a close eye on him and see how he goes. I've been using test strips every few days but all levels seems to be the same as they always have been so I'm still confused as to what it is.
If by sudden you mean it appeared overnight, it could be a heater burn.

is the patch fuzzy, or does it look like lesion that's eating away at the skin.
That's a good point, thanks! I never thought of that. It is slightly fuzzy, I've been trying to get a better picture for days but he won't let me.

It doesn't look sore and there's no peeling or bubbling / cotton wool look or anything like that.
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