Tank Algae

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I have noticed that my tank is starting to get light algae on the glass, despite having two plecos in there. I currently run the lights for about 9 hours a day, should I cut that back? Is there an effective algae eater I could add to the tank, or should I just wait for the plecos to get bigger to do their jobs?
I would maybe try a chinese algea eater (I think that is what there called) I find they consume more algea at faster than plecos. JMO.
I have lots of small fishg and they can be semi-agressive so I want to avoid them. Plus, my experience is that they are not good with algea at all.
IMO my CAE is very aggressive and he is only an inch long, I wouldn't use him to try and cut your algae problem down. What are your Nitrate and Phosphate levels? Is your tank CO2 injected?
rcjubei said:
What are your Nitrate and Phosphate levels? Is your tank CO2 injected?

I don't know my phosphate levels but Nitrates are low. Also, my tank is not CO2 injected.
In my experience, algae eating fish of any type are good for controlling algae, but they won't eliminate it entirely. If you want your glass clean, I'd suggest you get scrubbing :)

Having said that, my otocinclus does a wonderful job on on the algae in my 12G tank. A few of them in a 55G tank would probably eat much more than your plecos, and they are small (2") and not agressive.
if all else fails you could use one of those algae magnet cleaners. they work really good. make sure to buy the right one if you have acrylic or glass.
I had a 40g tank that used to be 100% algea free, but I ran the light a lot less. Is that something I should consider?
Tony Starks said:
I don't know my phosphate levels but Nitrates are low. Also, my tank is not CO2 injected.

I had a battle with green water, once I balanced my Nitrates to 10-20ppm and my phosphate to 1ppm it was only a matter of time before my water cleared. I used 2 SAE's and they consumed all my hair algae that was left behind.
rcjubei said:
How many watts per gallon are you using on your tank?

I don't know, but its just a single strip floresent hood with a natural light Eclipse bulb. Everything is totally stock, so its not some high watt fancy setup. I don't have live plants so its not a concern to me.
What about adding a UV sterilizer? Would that clear up the algea? Or would that be a bad thing because my plecos need it to eat? I already feed them and my frogs sinking pellets, could they live on those alone?
What does the algae look like? Is it small well defined spots or more of a thin even blanket? The only thing I've found that will eat spot algae is the rare stainless steel razor blade fish. :p
thin even blanket, and its just barely starting to be a problem now
tank algae

It's an imbalance of some sort. I can't say what, but algae thrives/grows when the environment doesn't suit the plants as well as it suits the algae.

I think one of the typical things is not enough nitrate compared to phosphates, so the plants don't have the nitrates to use to consume the phosphates. The algea consumes the phosphates to survive...

something like that... if you want to reduce the algae, find the nutrient problem.

There are a few folks on the forum here that really know their plant stuff - travis simonson, steve hampton, malkore, etc. get all your parameters and see if they don't have some comments for you.
Re: tank algae

black udder said:
It's an imbalance of some sort. I can't say what, but algae thrives/grows when the environment doesn't suit the plants as well as it suits the algae.

I think one of the typical things is not enough nitrate compared to phosphates, so the plants don't have the nitrates to use to consume the phosphates. The algea consumes the phosphates to survive...

something like that... if you want to reduce the algae, find the nutrient problem.

There are a few folks on the forum here that really know their plant stuff - travis simonson, steve hampton, malkore, etc. get all your parameters and see if they don't have some comments for you.

It a new tank, could that have something to do with it? Its really minor right now, but I just want to make sure it does not become a bigger problem.
Well, first of all, i don't think people REALLY looked at the plecos that you have in your tank.

First of all, mostly all plecos eat SOME amount of algae in a tank. However for yours, well, the snowball pleco is a carnivore and the royal pleco is a vegetable and wood eating pleco.

So they will eat about 1% - 5% of the total algae growth in your tank.
So next i will look at the most obvious thing to ask and that is with your auto feeders. Are they running every day? If so that is the source of your nutriet problems. If those feeders are running every day that is WAY too much food IMO.

The fact that it is a new tank doesn't really have much to do with it.

If you are looking for some fish to get that are really small and unintrusive get otocinclus cats. You could also opt to go for a Siamese algae eater (only eats algae and is peaceful).

Let me know the answers to some of my questions to better help you out
SerLunchbox said:
Well, first of all, i don't think people REALLY looked at the plecos that you have in your tank.

First of all, mostly all plecos eat SOME amount of algae in a tank. However for yours, well, the snowball pleco is a carnivore and the royal pleco is a vegetable and wood eating pleco.

So they will eat about 1% - 5% of the total algae growth in your tank.
So next i will look at the most obvious thing to ask and that is with your auto feeders. Are they running every day? If so that is the source of your nutriet problems. If those feeders are running every day that is WAY too much food IMO.

The fact that it is a new tank doesn't really have much to do with it.

If you are looking for some fish to get that are really small and unintrusive get otocinclus cats. You could also opt to go for a Siamese algae eater (only eats algae and is peaceful).

Let me know the answers to some of my questions to better help you out

Yes, the autofeeders are running every day, but they are set to only put out a small amount of food. Should I maybe change the sinking shrimp one to only once every day?

I like you suggestion for otocinclus cats, you are sure they won't interfere with any of the tiny fish I have now? What are they called in fish stores? Are they common? Thanks a lot for your help, it was obviously very well thought out and knowledgeable, and I appreciate it.
Yes, the autofeeders are running every day, but they are set to only put out a small amount of food. Should I maybe change the sinking shrimp one to only once every day?
Well, if you can get them to turn on every other day then that would be awesome ... i feed my fish every other day and i have hardly had ANY algae problem.

Otocinclus cats will not interfere with the smaller fish that you keep. They get to be about 1" in length at the most. They are called oto cats generally in the stores.
There is a link to the otocinclus catfish. For otocinclus, i would get like 6 or so. They do better in groups of 3, but i have found that groups of 6 have done better in the past. They are really common and i have seen them in most LFS in the general area that i live in.
Thanks SirLunchBox! Next trip to the fish store I'm getting 6, assuming they have them. I don't think I have every seen them before, but then again I was never looking.
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