tank background

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 25, 2011
I've been taking in a lot of DIY background info and, after considering all of my options, have decided that a flat black is a simple way to make all of my fishes colors and the colors of my decor really pop. Seems there should be a very simple way of doing this without paint. Anyone with experience? Rubber sheeting sounds perfect... but how to apply?
Hey fishies. What do you mean?... black cardboard? From a box or something?
It's black card from a pack I got for a scrapbook. It just happened to be the right Hightower for my tank. I've just stuck it to the back with magic tape. You know the one? It's less sticky than Sellotape, so it shouldn't mark the tank.
Sounds good. I guess I just need to put a few things up to my tank back and see how the light plays off of it. Thanks for sharing.
I cut up an old black silk robe and taped it to the back of one of mine. You'd never know...
Painting is definitely over doing it. It looks nice but why- when you can get a similar, much less permanent, look- would you go there?
I'm thinking the right material would work out as nicely as paint. I'm on it!
I went to Target. Bought myself a foam project board and cut it so it'd fit perfectly between the braces of my tank. Now when I want to switch between black and white I just slide it out and insert a different piece.
I've been taking in a lot of DIY background info and, after considering all of my options, have decided that a flat black is a simple way to make all of my fishes colors and the colors of my decor really pop. Seems there should be a very simple way of doing this without paint. Anyone with experience? Rubber sheeting sounds perfect... but how to apply?

I have a wipeable fabric hung with office clips on two tanks. Looks better than those I have spray painted...
It is imitation leather, probably vinyl. It's dark blue and has a nice texture visible under the lights. I got it from a fabric store cut off a roll. Dirt cheap and works awesome.
I sprayed the back of the glass first with a very light coat of white stone finish spray paint then second it with a flat black spray. I think it turned out pretty good!


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ditosdad said:
I sprayed the back of the glass first with a very light coat of white stone finish spray paint then second it with a flat black spray. I think it turned out pretty good!

I can't argue that ditosdad. Very nice! K... if I can't look that clean the non paint route, I'll definitely follow suit. Thanks for sharing
ditosdad said:
Yes, the outside of the glass. Thanks for the compliment!

Yr def welcome. Most clean paint job I've seen so far. So the first coat you did was for texture?
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