Tank Mates for Tiger Barbs

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 9, 2004
New York
I have a ten gallon with 4 tiger barbs what other type of fish could i get ? I know that tiger's are notorius tail bitters so what are some good options?
any other type of barb like cherry green albino and many others. i would not put anything other than barbs in that tank because its such a tiny tank. your barbs will also school together but rember to always have a even numb3er of fish so none get left without a buddy :mrgreen:
Yo-yo loaches are active and will go throughout the entire tank.

Skunks are tougher and don't usually bother other fish often, but they are also a bit more shy and stick to the bottom more than yo-yos.

I'd say upgrade your tank so you can have more tiger barbs and some loaches. If you go with yo-yos I'd say get either 1 or 3+. With Skunks I noticed no difference in having 1, 2 or 3 in my tank (as far as behavior but there will always be one slightly more dominant one).
patryuji said:
Skunks are tougher and don't usually bother other fish often, but they are also a bit more shy and stick to the bottom more than yo-yos.

I'd have to disagree, my skunks are quite aggressive toward other fish, they are very active and are always on the move.

Yo-yos may be too big for a 10g (6"). Zebra Loaches dont get much bigger than 2" and have the same wacky personalities.

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