Tank questions & showing off :).

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Totally joking! I do want an oscar though! I just need a new house and a 90 gal tank!! Grow fluffy fast enough and your little kiddo can ride him around like a dolphin:)
I passed on a 175 gallon reverse bowfront for 200, found out it was acrylic.. Kind of regret it now..
Oh man that would have been awesome!

Those are some awesome deals, but buying a tank that big almost takes some planning. You need to know where to put it, then buy all the media for it, then all the filtration. It definitely adds up very quickly.

When I have my own pad, I'm definitely going to have another giant one though, maybe even two more.
Those are some awesome deals, but buying a tank that big almost takes some planning. You need to know where to put it, then buy all the media for it, then all the filtration. It definitely adds up very quickly. When I have my own pad, I'm definitely going to have another giant one though, maybe even two more.
J has a thread going for his custom stand, he's been thinking up a sump which I feel is the best way to go! You can get a filter for under $200 that does the work of like 3 good canister filters! That's what I'd do, that's why I'm kicking myself for passing on the acrylic(easily drilled) as far as space I'd be building it into a wall so I'd literally make the space for it! With a sledge hammer and sawzall haha
J has a thread going for his custom stand, he's been thinking up a sump which I feel is the best way to go! You can get a filter for under $200 that does the work of like 3 good canister filters! That's what I'd do, that's why I'm kicking myself for passing on the acrylic(easily drilled) as far as space I'd be building it into a wall so I'd literally make the space for it! With a sledge hammer and sawzall haha

So all that planning I was talking about had already been done lol. That's a great idea though. If I ever get another large one, I'm almost positive I'll get a discus tank. I love the colors of those fish.
Yah discus are pretty awesome, I don't know if I could come to spend all that money on fish though.. But a nice planted discus tank with a school if 30 cardinal tetras would be amazing!
I saw that same thing today, & while I was at the fish store some lady came in complaining that her oscar wasn't looking to well, & they asked her what size tank is was in, & she said 10 gallons, all of our jaws dropped. :(. It was unreal.

But I random thought, I wonder how many of the oscar fry will be albino & how many will be tiger? & I another random thought, I fear that if I do sell these fry to the LFS, that someone like that lady may buy one of my fry. I'm scared of them having a crappy life in a little tank. It's almost better to just end them when there small by making them meals for my fish. Isn't it? Rather than make them suffer in those harsh conditions?

I think the best you can do is try to take them to a lfs that will at least ask questions before selling a fish. Ex I was at a lfs today and bought a couple fish as well as a new 29g tank setup. Before the guy grabbed my fish he at least asked me to make sure they weren't going in the new tank when I got home. People will always do stupid or ignorant things with their fish but at least the guy at my fish store was trying to do what was best for the fish that's really all you can hope for.
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Today I tried to do something different when feeding my fish some mealworms. I cleaned off the glass lid, & laid the mealworms on top. The fish could see all of them crawling around on top. I pushed the lid back a little bit so that when the worms crawled to the edge of the lid they would fall in & the fish could eat them. Trying to simulate nature a little bit. Anyways, I caught some awesome shots of it happening. The first picture you can see it grasping onto the edge trying to hold on, the next one you can see it floating on top of the water,,& the next one you see my albino oscar swimming away like a boss after making it's catch. It was really awesome to watching them wait on them, & sometimes they'd try to catch them off the edge before they fell in. It was pretty nutty. Just thought I'd share :)
Haha I tried to take a video, but they would never do anything interesting unless I was taking photos. It's like they knew -.- lol.

It was pretty awesome to watch, in a couple weeks when they get another good feeding of those things I'll try it again! They always love dinner time, but they really love those mealworms.
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