Tank questions & showing off :).

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Haha. So I am fairly new to YouTube when it comes to uploading videos, took me all day. & also, I realized I recorded it the wrong way -.- so I'll get anther video up tomorrow that will be better. I just promised one today, & I am trying now to disappoint lol. Enjoy :).

Hello everyone, getting a quick post in before work.

Here are a few more pictures. The momma cichlid moved the babies from the bottom of the rock, to the back top portion of it. I walked in the room & saw they were all gone & thought maybe the other fish got to them. But I looked around & discovered she moved them to a different spot. Kind of cool. & also my shrimp are breeding like crazy.' I have a bunch of baby shrimp in there now :).

Last pic is just a random one of my pleco. Haha.


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Hey everyone, my oscars are a pair :). They breed, laid eggs, & now the eggs are starting to hatch. I got a bunch of baby Oscars :)
They are loving their new home :). I had Oscar dry for about 18 hours. Came back to the aquarium this morning & they must've eaten all of there fry. There aren't anymore & all the eggs are gone. I heard this is common for the first few times, I guess we will have to find out.

But I still have about 40 green Severum fry in a 20 gallon high right now. :) they are so small.
My little 30 g tank with two different batch of electric yellow from same parents! Sad though the dad recently passed and mother was carrying but think she swallowed them .. :((

So did you oscars eye get better?
Some days it looks like it's almost gone, then other days I get really nervous something might happen because it looks so bad. It's still popping out of her head a little bit. I honestly don't know what to do about it.
But I have a little good news, I was able to successfully rescue three of the oscar fry. I moved them into the 20 gallon tank with the Severum fry. this was all done yesterday & they were able to survive until today so I think they might make it. I'll have a few baby P
Oscars :)
Some days it looks like it's almost gone, then other days I get really nervous something might happen because it looks so bad. It's still popping out of her head a little bit. I honestly don't know what to do about it.
But I have a little good news, I was able to successfully rescue three of the oscar fry. I moved them into the 20 gallon tank with the Severum fry. this was all done yesterday & they were able to survive until today so I think they might make it. I'll have a few baby P
Oscars :)

Hey thats pretty good news! I have 30 molly fry in my 20g long for now. They are now around 3 weeks to 4 weeks old! Only lost 1 and they grow very fast. Glad you could save a few!
Hey thats pretty good news! I have 30 molly fry in my 20g long for now. They are now around 3 weeks to 4 weeks old! Only lost 1 and they grow very fast. Glad you could save a few!
Hey man!!!! Long time no talk!
Hope everything is going well out your way :).
Heck yeah, I was so excited when I realized I had a pair. I've been waiting soooo long to find out. & luckily I did :).
Molly fry!? I've never had any of those before. Seems like we got this aquarium thing down lol.
Congrats on those fry!

I save three Oscar fry, just checked on them & they still have a small ball of yolk they are eating off of. I'm thinking by tomorrow they will be swimming. Only time will tell.
Hey man!!!! Long time no talk!
Hope everything is going well out your way :).
Heck yeah, I was so excited when I realized I had a pair. I've been waiting soooo long to find out. & luckily I did :).
Molly fry!? I've never had any of those before. Seems like we got this aquarium thing down lol.
Congrats on those fry!

I save three Oscar fry, just checked on them & they still have a small ball of yolk they are eating off of. I'm thinking by tomorrow they will be swimming. Only time will tell.

Thats great! Pick up some hikari food for em! It'll get them by till they grow bigger! Things are goin good so far. I just got a free 75g tank from work! Brand new!
What!? A free 75 gallon. Lucky, I want one of those so I can keep one of these Oscar fry. I don't think I'll be able to add it back to the tank without it getting massacred. That's awesome though :). They are still alive, so I'm hoping they make it. I already know a friend who wants one of them. He's got a 55 gallon....so I'm not sure yet if I want to give him one. I'll have to help him with his filtration. But if they make it, I want to keep one as well. Not sure I'll be able to. Time will only tell..

Ohh, how did they consider that tank "trash"?
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