Tank started leaking :( what can I do ?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 30, 2004
Ok today morning my 29 gallon started leaking from an edge. Fortunately it was the front corner edge and I saw it immediately. I applied some aquarium sealant to the spot from where it was leaking. I decided to work form home today in case there was further problem and there was ! The tank started dripping water from the same edge but a few inches above after 2 hours.
So I have applied a good coat of the aquarium sealant (from outside the tank) to the edge which was leaking.Is there anything else I can do ? Will the tank leak again

Its a bummer that is has to happen a week after I added the fish and not when it was sitting by itself for 2 months :evil: I could have taken the tank apart and applied some silicone to the egde from INSIDE the tank.

Let me know if there is anything more I should do.
Seems to me that you only option, if you want to save the tank, is to drain the water entirely and re-seal the entire inside edge where it has been leaking.

And even then, now that you have sealant on the outside of the tank, it make me wonder if it was worth it.

If I were in your shoes, I would simply buy a new tank.
Re-sealing the tank can get to be a pain in the butt -- since the only problem is the tank (not the filter, heater, other equip) replacement won't be very costly at all so I would suggest a new tank if that is at all feasible for you.
Repairing the tank is not possible with water in it (the pressure from the pusing from inside will make getting a 100% fit/seal impossible) so if you cannot replace the tank and must repair it I suggest obtaining a container your fish can live in and set them up in there so that you can drain and re-seal the tank.
Throwing sealant on a leak while it is actually leaking is pointless....the sealant needs time to cure before being exposed to water. If you can drain the tank below the leak, then seal it from the inside and give it a good 24-36 hours before refilling it, then try that, otherwise, get a new tank, swap it over, then re-esal the entire leaky edge of the old one at your leisure.
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