Tank stocking

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 23, 2011
Or my 40g tank.... So far I have 3 female convicts that r 2 inches, a shark that is 3 inches 4 tiger barbs and can I add a rubber Pleco?
Idk how big convicts get but either way it sounds like you have plenty of room.
Red-tailed shark is fine in there FOR NOW, but be aware as they get bigger and more agressive you'll need to move it out of there into a bigger home, maybe 75+ gallons.
I have 7 tiger barbs and just got a pair of convicts and I love them so much!!!!!!! Theyre so awesome!! And they get along pretty good so far I also have a Senegal bichir and 1 convict snapped at him once because of territory but other than that theyre awesome. Good luck with them!!!
So far I have 4 tiger barbs, 1 red tailed shark, 3 convicts, and a rubber lip Pleco.... What else can I add or that's it? Something to make the tank look nice
Since the convicts are not males or breeding can I get a pair of yellow labs? Or no don't mix
I wouldn't add any other cichlids. Maybe bump your barbs up to a total of 7 or 8. You might could add some serpae tetras or other schooling fish that could fend for itself in your semi-aggressive setup. Maybe someone else will chime in on what you could do.
I think you should add more barbs and put another school of some other fish. Just make sure they are fast because of the convicts
In my personal opinion I think you shouldn't add anything else, if the convicts and tiger barbs are getting along fine but I'd rather keep the peace than test the convicts personality...
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