Tankmates for angelfish

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
blue rams will be a nice addition, very beautiful fish! I've missed out on them twice now and when I finally could get two pairs, one of them has something strange on his forehead and I don't want to risk it *sigh*

Make sure you acclimate the rams and rummynosed tetras very slowly. I took up to an hour with those guys because they can be very sensative.

Also, have you thought of getting a friend for your angel? I just got a second angel and the two are inseparable! It is really very cute. The only precautions are that you make sure the angel isn't fully matured and match your angel's size to the one you are bringing in. The one I got was a little larger, so you do have.
Are there any smaller, not-so-stange-looking algae eaters that will work in this tank??
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