Tankmates for GBRs

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 23, 2006
Northwest Indiana
I have a 55g that will eventually house GBRs. I'm thinking of adding some fish now but would like some suggestions of suitable tank mates. I'm thinking of starting with some cories and SAEs. I have not done the research just yet, but even when I do I like to hear some real life experience from you guys first.

Will these fish be a problem with GBRs?
Wow that is a nice stocking list. I actually never noticed that my info button before. I see that you have corys with your rams which makes me happy. I really like those fish.

I have been quite happy with the performance of the otos and SAEs in my 29. I do not see SAE on your list. Do you think they would be a problem?
With my GBRs I have cories, BNpleco, mollie, tetras (rummynose, cardinal and neon), upside down cats, amano shrimp, danios an SAE and mystery snails. No conflicts to report thus far.
neilanh said:
I hear it's best to get these from a local breeder. Is that true?

alot asians breed these fish, and pump them full of chemicals, unnatural amounts, and then only last a few months (if that) in home aquariums
I got my GBR's from a breeder rather than the lfs. I noticed the GBR's at the lfs were rather bland, not colorful or active. The ones I got from the breeder were colorful and active. Food for thought.
I was reading your other post about wanting to breed GBR's, so I thought that I would say that it would be best to not have any other fish in the tank with the GBR's if you want any eggs to survive.

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