The Neets have spawned!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 11, 2006
No less than a month after I got them, my neetroplus cichlids have spawned! The color change on them was very dramatic, which started last night. I woke up this morning, and there are about 20 eggs on the inside of the flower pot they've been digging out for the last week. Get home from work and the number of eggs has tripled. The mother still looks like she's got some more left in her. I've never had fish spawn before, what fun! Should have fry in a week or so, there are no predators in the tank, plus these guys are pretty tough cookies. Once the fry are free-swimming, when is the best time to transfer them out? I am certain that these are a pure strain, so I know my LFS will want them.
I can't remember if the Neet parents are the only ones in the tank, if so, I would wait a long time before removing the fry. For the first few weeks, they will look like eyes with a gut--not very fish like. Personally, I would let the fry decide when it's time to move out--you will see they getting more adventure-some and they will wonder from the parents further and further and that's a great time to remove them. Of course, that’s hoping everything goes well and the parents understand not to eat them. The best news is you now know they are a mating pair and the water quality is right for them. Congratulations!
There is the mated pair and then one other smaller female. Rest of the tank mates dare not mess with them. Working on pics. My camera is old, picture quality is low, but I will do my best.

Here's what I could get. The female did this crazy upside down barrel roll thing and stuck her eggs on the roof of the pot, it was really cool to watch, she is continuing to lay eggs as I write this. The color change on these guys is very cool, it happens within seconds, whenever another fish comes near or some guy shoves a camera in their face. Sorry that my camera sux, I spend all my money on fish, video games, and the gf :lol:


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Looks like the Neets are doing a good job so far! Tell your gf you need to spend money on a new camera so you can take better pics of her ;)
Well the neets freaked and ate the eggs. I cried a little on the inside. I ended up moving my pleco out of the tank since he seemed to be the main source of threat for the pair. He kind of swam wherever he pleased, though he did not directly harass the neets they only showed their colors when he was swimming around the nest. I'm sure they will lay more eggs in the future, this was after all their first try. Meanwhile I got to set up a new tank because of it!
Well a week later the other female spawned in the same spot. Do you think I could take the eggs out by moving the entire flower pot over to my 10g? I'd wait until the bigger female lays again, this one only laid about 15 eggs. I wish I were the male in my tank lol.
If you do, you have to put the pot in a bucket of water while it's inside the tank first... other wise the eggs won't make it if you just pull the pot out of the water. You have to KEEP THEM SUBMERGED, get it? Also, you're gonna have to feed those fry alot, becasue a new tank will have virtually zero live food growing anywhere in it like an established (one year or older) tank would have. Good luck.
Yeah I'm aware but thanks for the reminder. I am very sad, this morning the biggest female was dead under a rock. She dug herself so far under that the rock fell on top of her and trapped her. Turns out fish don't understand physics. /cry
hey, really sorry on hearing that. hope the other female pairs up with the male.
She dug herself so far under that the rock fell on top of her and trapped her.

That is terrible... Thats a common occurance, tho. Thats why you always read about properly staging your rockwork, so that it does not tip. Unfortunately, it's easier said than done sometimes. Hope you have success with the next batch and no more squashed mommas.
triazole said:
hey, really sorry on hearing that. hope the other female pairs up with the male.

Well it took a few months and a few dry runs, but my second female finally came around and I now have 29 neetroplus fry! They are wiggling around in a breeder net so we'll see how many make it! The parents were so protective of their brood that they'd both swim over and cover up the eggs even if I just shined a flashlight on them. When I took the fry out they had to be physically pushed aside so I could get at them. Fascinating to watch. Now dad is all worked up swimming around looking for his children.
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